Welcome to an oracle reading for all New Earth creators
1 Lesson -
Many beautiful souls like you would have experienced their spiritual awakening since 2020 or even way before then. There is so much chaos going on in the world that it became a main trigger event to wake up for so many of us. Know that there is nothing wrong with the timing as all is Divine and perfectly aligned. We are currently living through the times of the Great Awakening.
Now, you will know that it is not rosy sunshine all the time. Being awake among many who can't seem to see what you may have an inner knowing about can be very tough; especially when friends and family members are abandoning you. The journey of awakening can feel lonely and frustrating. It is very common to live through the dark night of the soul when the spiritual awakening is happening as nothing what you once believed in seems to be true any longer. You may be confused about who you are and your beliefs but know that all of this is very normal.
You are not alone! There are many like you out there and the beauty is that we are all finding each other now.
One thing I notice though that many who are in the awakening stages can also be easily sidetracked by the chaos and agenda playing out. It is not easy to navigate through the crazy chaotic current times and in fact is distracting us from our ascension path. We know that everything is being pulled to delay our ascension journey. But guess what? We are not going to allow this to happen. We are the soul warriors who came here to stand up for a better world. Nothing can and will distract us from our path towards heaven on Earth.
It is now more important than ever before to focus on the outcome we want to achieve. We can manifest our wildest dreams for ourselves and humanity now. We don't need external changes to believe it. Instead, we need to believe that we can create the New Earth paradise to see the changes we envision. We were born into this time to create Heaven on Earth.
If this resonates with you, you may be one of the called souls who were preparing for this event for lifetimes. Your life had to be that way, so you can be ready now.
Perhaps you always felt like an outsider who never fit in. Perhaps you felt lonely most of the time because the main crowd was never for you.
This is the time you were waiting for. This is the Great Awakening, and you are playing a significant part of it.
The current world events are a reflection of the dismantling process of the matrix. Let it be and focus on the outcome instead.
Know that you are a powerful Divine creator. The more people like you focus on creating New Earth now, no matter what is going on in our world, the faster we manifest the highest timeline for humanity.
These are magical times, even though we can't see it yet. I feel it and can visualise the New Earth paradigm being so close, in fact, it is already here. All that is required is your decision to experience Heaven on Earth now. Are you in it?
Beautiful soul!
It is time to say goodbye to the matrix. The times of oppression and control are over and done with. We the people are now in charge. We owe it to our children and future generation.
Can you hear your calling?
Then this course is for you!
I felt inspired to create an A.R.T. journal course for everyone who is ready to say goodbye to the matrix and is excited to create New heaven on Earth for yourself and humanity.
I created an A.R.T. journal course for you to shift your reality and introduce you to some of the various tools that helped me shift my reality. This online class is focusing on New Earth creation.
With "Create your New Earth reality now", you will learn Alex K's A.R.T. healing technique to activate and remember your soul, transform your limiting into empowering beliefs through:
- connecting you with your inner child who loves to play with the fairies and unicorns.
- journal prompts to shift your limiting into empowering beliefs,
- guided meditation to meet your fairy and unicorn,
- two mixed media art journal tutorials,
- a mini-course in dream decoding 101; and
- an oracle card reading for everyone joining this course with journal prompts to bust through these chaotic times.
What does A.R.T. stand for?
A. – ctivation and
R. – ememberance of your soul &
T. – ransformation.
You will be able to reapply the journal prompts repeatedly on similar topics you feel you may need some shifts as you learn my transformative A.R.T. healing technique.
Beautiful soul warriors, you came here for this time for this exact moment. Shine your light and raise the vibration of this planet. …and why not having a bit of fun while we do all of this light work.
You will get lifetime access to the following tools:
In the 1st lesson you will learn how to shift your energy by clearing out the old so you can create New Earth.
I invite you to go on a journey with me to meet your unicorn and fairies to see heaven on Earth and how you can start living it right now.
You will receive lifetime access of the following:
- training video on New Earth and how to create it even though we are living through turbulent times;
- a guided meditation in which you meet your fairy and unicorn, helping you to envision your New Earth reality;
- a workbook with journal prompts helping you to bust through the limiting beliefs of the matrix and transform them into empowering beliefs of creation the best ever timeline;
- a mixed media art tutorial in which you paint a representation of you, your unicorn and spirit animal. Write all of your favourite affirmations and messages you have received from these magical beings into your painting for positive reminders going forward.
In the 2nd lesson you will receive an oracle card reading with journal prompts helping you through these times. I tuned into the collective of everyone who is signing up for this course. It may or may not resonate with you. However, I am sure that it has components in it, relevant to almost everyone going through these events.
In the 3rd lesson, I am excited to introduce you to the fairies and how they help us humanity to manifest our dreams and desires. I am sharing my own experience with them and sharing some tricks of connecting with them for real.
You will be excited when taking out your art journal and paint your favourite fairy with me together. I love the fairy energies; they are so uplifting and joyful. The fairies are definitely here to remind us of our inner child and how it wants to play no matter how old we are.
In the 4th lesson, I am sharing my mini course of my dream decoding 101 with you.
I always had various dreams in my life, from prophetic dreams, warnings, clearings, or anything confirmed which I had done my inner work on and released the limiting beliefs successfully. I am journaling on my dreams all the time. I had important messages coming through and learned techniques of re-entering a dream to heal a particular situation. Dreams can be very insightful.
You will be able to download a workbook where I share some of the various dream symbols you may have seen, learn how to remember your dreams and how to work with them.
Enjoy this A.R.T. healing course while creating New Earth in your life now.
Only you can decide to not wait any longer but to take your life into your hands and make important decisions for your future right now.
You were born for a reason!
The world needs you.
It is time for you to make that call and transform your life to be the happier YOU, aligned with your soul.
It is time for you to believe in yourself and knowing that you can get anything you desire by simply being you.
You deserve to live a life filled with happiness, laughter and joy.
It is your time now!
I am Alex K, the founder and creator of Alex K A.R.T. Academy and technique.
My soul’s mission is to help you to activate and to remember your soul & transforming your limiting into empowering beliefs in a creative artistic way.
I am deeply connected to the spirit animals and elementals, such as mermaids, fairies, unicorns and dragons. You will see me using these type of light beings in my guided meditations and my art. I am here to share their wisdom and knowledge with you.
My book “Light up your soul - healing from anxiety and depression through art” can be purchased on all major bookseller platforms and bookstores. I am also a certified Health and Life Coach and decided to combine both of my coaching experience and knowledge with art, which resulted in my A.R.T. healing technique. I currently offer Creativity coaching to anyone who feels blocked in their creative process but knows who came here to Earth to make a big impact.
Here is a bit of my own story:
When I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue and burnout in 2011, I knew that my life had to change. Creativity and choosing me before pleasing others was my way out of the hell I was experiencing.
My spiritual awakening and personal life journey led me to become a certified Health and Life coach. I also was always the creative soul who gained her energy back by solely doing what my heart wanted me to do. I studied to become a photographer, learned how to dance, always played the piano since my early childhood and learned how to paint since mid-2018.
The thing is that I always had these gifts inside of me, but I had no clue about them. In my early childhood, I was pretty much told that all of my artistic and writing skills sucked, which made me shut down my gifts.
I started to live a life what others wanted me to live, which made me die from the inside out. I never felt so disconnected from my soul. There was something in me which knew that I was here to do something different.
Believe me, being in a corporate job definitely helped me to learn certain soul lessons, but on the other hand, I learned that I only did what I felt was expected from me but feels not aligned with my soul anymore.
My spiritual journey of self – discovery began.
Here I am now, knowing that my soul’s mission is to help you to remember your soul. I am here to help you to reawaken your gifts and to align with your soul. I have a strong belief that you will receive all the abundance you wish for by being truly aligned with your soul. All you need to do is say “yes” to soul.
Now, I am going to help you in a fun way. We are going to use the arts to transform your life. You don’t need to be an artist. It only matters that you are going to have fun and enjoy the process of art journaling.
What if I am not creative?
Not a problem at all. You don’t need to be an artist to do this online class. The art tutorial is easy to follow and fully up to you how you want to do it. It could be as simple as cutting out pictures from a magazine and stick it together on a piece of paper or simple doodling. If you are good in painting or are willing to give it a go, then this is your way to do it. I had a number of people doing my workshops who have never painted in their life before and were all able to create something beautiful they loved.
Do I have to have any experience in painting before?
Absolutely not. This course is not going to be about your most amazing art piece but about the process of learning how to use art to heal your body, mind and soul.
What if I don’t have all the art supply you use?
Know, that you can use and substitute any of the art supplies I use. The less you use, the more creative you can get. When I started out, I got a lot of basics from the hot dollar shop or Daiso in Australia; some of the art supplies are actually all right. Once you get into it, you can get more of the supply you would like. I will highlight in my course, of what art supply is good to use from a more budget friendly shop and which one to avoid.
I am super busy right now. What if I don’t have time to take this course right now?
You have life-time access. The action steps will be fun and easy to incorporate into your busy lifestyle. Who does not want to have fun?
What can I expect from this course?
You can expect some high vibrational content and tools I use to heal myself from any limiting beliefs and raising my vibes. Connecting with the spiritual world and messages from the elementals is going to be magical. You will tune in to your inner child and feel this childlike wonder of awe again. Are you excited to experience this?
Can you guarantee specific results?
I love this course, and I deeply believe in the tools and content given. It is working, and you will heal your mind and body. However, it is up to you to do the inner work required to shift your mindset and listen to your intuition. If you show up and go deep to release your old limiting beliefs and transform these into empowering stories which connect you deeply with your soul, then you will see results. It also depends on your journey and where you are at in this moment in time. Be patient and do the inner work and you will surely experience magical shifts. I only teach the tools which helped me to help me on my journey. The technique I am teaching in this course can be reapplied to many different topics you may want to work through.
What if I don’t like the course? Do you give refunds?
No. Due to the nature of the online course, there will be no refunds given.
For more questions email me at: alexhealthcoach@gmail.com
Disclaimer: I don’t guarantee or warrant results or increased income.